A Crafty DIY Idea for Your Home

How’s the weather where you are? Just wonder what changes are happening around. Fire lit up as the night draws in? Curl up under the blanket when watching TV?
As the weather is changing, you might want to consider some indoor activity like DIY. In today’s article, I am gonna be sharing a simple yet delicate hand-made craft with you guys. Hope you’ll like it!
But at the beginning let’s have a peek first…Feel tempted to do it yourself? :heart_eyes: Let’s begin!

Things you need:
1.Brown string
3.A ballon
4.Micro fairy lights

Step 1&2
Dip the string in the glue and squeeze out the excessive glue.
Wrap the glue-covered string around the ballon. For a sophisticated look, be sure to wrap the string closely.
Step 4
Prick the ballon after the string sits in place.
Step 5&6
Take the ballon out and put in the micro fairy lights.

Then you get a very pretty hand-made craft to be added to your home decor. Easy piecey, huh? Have a try! After you have done with your hand craft, remember to share your beautiful work here with us. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Love it! It’s a really great idea. I’m hoping in the future to take on the project of doing a rain cloud with your colored LED strip lighting and I also found some really cute balls that can be made out of yarn to cover each of the colored lights on a string that looks like a lot of fun to make & it looks adorable

I can’t wait to see it! But we have to be patient before the new generation comes out. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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joanna_koopower Oh, I’m definitely not in a hurry! The rain clouds look so cool but I’m nervous as to whether or not I can pull it off and make it look like a real cloud. Just a couple of ideas that I came up with while trying to think of a project that would be fun to do in the future and look cute at the same time. I’m not the craftiest person in the world but I do enjoy doing them.
:smiley: :smiley:

Haha I think you are definitley a very creative person. I guess I have to be patient before you share the work. :rofl:

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I have an issue with being a huge perfectionist. Not where anyone else is concerned, just myself. I’m my worst critic and it’s hard for me to get things exactly the way I envisioned them in my mind. I’m very detail oriented so I’m constantly finding something that I’m not 100% happy with and that I need to improve on :rofl: :rofl:

You remind me “Beauty is found in imperfections.” :rofl: You may also find someting beautiful and surprising in imperfections! But it’s totally undersatndable to pursue perfection.

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